In recent years, Narrow Bridge Candles has directed attention to offering bundles of candles and seasonal boxes made for observing a specific ritual or holiday celebration, or giving as gifts. This is a chance to give a gift to your ritual life, as well as to others celebrating b’nei mitzvah, conversions, weddings, graduations, housewarmings, and other ritual moments. Enjoy!
All candles are made from 100% beeswax. There is no added dye or fragrance. All candles are hand dipped and poured. A portion of all sales of Narrow Bridge Candles goes to support movements and organizations working for Palestinian self-determination and U.S. based struggles for racial justice and Indigenous sovereignty.
We use a sliding scale system which ideally allows people to choose a price point that feels both generous and financially accessible; people with class privilege and more access to money select prices towards the higher end of the scale making it possible to offer lower, more accessible price points as well.